It was an Easter egg hunt with a difference. Tesco hid hundreds of egg shapes inside the letter O of its logo. These special logos were concealed on store fronts, on the side of vans, inside emails, in newspaper promotions and in TV ads. If you spotted one, you could win two gift cards, each worth £500.
Customers who spotted the eggs were asked to post a photo on their Instagram grid or to Twitter with the hashtag #CrackingEaster. They could also upload a picture under the promotional post on the Tesco Facebook page. At the end of the promotional period, all egg-spotters were entered into a draw and a hundred winners were randomly selected.
Prizeology wrote the Ts&Cs, extracted the data from Instagram, Twitter and Facebook, and made the draw within ten days of the closing date. We then checked the winners were eligible to enter (you had to be over 18) and verified they were who they said they were. Finally, we emailed the prizes to the winners.