Symington’s Mugfuls of Joy cash giveaway required real £5, £10, £20 and £50 banknotes, to a total value of £50,000, to be inserted into promotional packs of Mug Shot. This added up to 6100 individual prizes and to ensure that every penny of the prize money made it to market safely, Prizeology designed, implemented and oversaw the cash insertion process from start to finish.

The cash arrived by armoured vehicle at a secure unit in the Welsh Valleys and was initially counted by experienced Prizeology staff. We worked with ten factory-based employees, all experienced packers, to hand-pack and hand-seal the cash into individual envelopes. We rigorously checked and accounted for the prize money at every micro-stage of the process. The envelopes were divided into 25 bags, each with identical contents, and transferred to the Symington’s factory in Leeds, again by armoured vehicle.
Working with the client and agency, we devised a method of feeding the envelopes into the production line across a 12-week packaging period without disrupting the line. Our expertise enabled us to highlight a number of potential issues. Prizeology staff then spent two days on site at the factory, ensuring that the envelopes were inserted correctly into the promotional packs and that all security measures were followed.