To encourage consumers to download or open the Samsung Members App, Samsung ran a special promotion offering a free 64Gb micro SD memory card.
There were 4,000 SD cards available and Prizeology was appointed to mail them out to claimants. The promotion ran for six weeks and we were scheduled to receive daily data drops of the winners’ names and addresses, via a secure FTP site. We were asked to send a personalised letter with each card and to pack them into black bubble envelopes, designed to reflect Samsung’s branding.
There was a fairly tight turnaround, as customers were told that they would receive their SD card within a maximum four days of making their claim, but to give ourselves a head start we prepared by pre-packing 2,000 cards, so that when we received the data, we only had to print the labels, and print and insert the letters. It wasn’t possible to forecast how many customers would claim each day, but the client assumed that claims would be steady throughout the six-week period, with only minor spikes. However, the promotion went live at 2pm on a Wednesday and by 6pm that day all 4,000 cards had been claimed.
This meant that, in order to meet the four-day deadline, we had only three days to print the labels and the personalised letters, complete the picking and packing, and arrange the mail collection.

It was tough, but we did it and Samsung were delighted, not only with the popularity of their promotion, but also with the fact that both their expectations and their customers’ expectations were met.