10 Marketing Goals a Prize Promotion Can Achieve

Prize promotions are a mighty mechanic. No brand is too big, and no business is too small to run a competition or free prize draw. Read on to see what you could achieve by introducing a prize promotion into the marketing mix.

  1. Create brand awareness
    No one knows who you are? Launching a prize draw or competition will give your product or brand stand out amongst a very crowded market place.
  2. Reward customer loyalty
    Show your customers how much you love them. Offer them the chance to win a prize for their commitment to your brand.
  3. Increase followers
    Want more chums on FB, more followers on Twitter or more hearts on Insta? You can easily encourage people to do any of these by offering a prize incentive for their interaction.
  4. Create user generated content
    Looking for some content created by your customers? You’ll get much better engagement by offering the them a chance to win something in return for their effort.
  5. Drive sales
    Want to sell more products? Give customers an even better reason to buy them.
  6. Encourage repeat purchase
    If you give customers more than one opportunity to win, they’ll be back for more.
  7. Encourage trial
    If you need a mechanic to give customers a little extra encouragement to try your services or product, look no further than a giveaway. Enter everyone who makes a purchase into a draw to galvanise sales.
  8. Incentivise action
    You’ll have an even more robust response rate to your survey, or an increase in sign-up to your newsletter if you dangle a carrot. Watch that list grow!
  9. Increase site visits
    Prize draws on websites bring in traffic. And, participants are likely to share amongst friends, family and colleagues resulting in more visits. Boom!
  10. Increase footfall
    To get more people through that door, give them an additional reason to pop by.

© Prizeology and The Prizeologist Blog, 2018. Unauthorized use and/or duplication of this material without express and written permission from this site’s author and/or owner is strictly prohibited.



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